Taiga shield Ecozone |
Today is the day I leave Yellowknife, North West territories and I was graciously awaken by the quacks of geese and ducks. I have a long day of traveling ahead of me so i know its time to wake up. I have decided that instead of taking a plane to Happy Valley Goose Bay, Newfoundland and labrador; I will drive and enjoy Canada's beauty. The drive from Yellowknife to happy valley goose bay is 3 days and 14 hours if i take the shortest routes, I am lucky that most of the route is a long the taiga shield ecozone. Driving through the long journey I realized a lot of weathering and erosion from rainstorms, rivers, floods, and freezing and thawing have worn down the rocks. During my drive I read that during the Precambrian Era the rocks were folded and faulted and wrapped by the earth's crust. During the drive I passed by some of the major bodies of water like Faber Lake, Great Slave Lake, Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay. Driving by your really able to see defined terrains and I realized that there are many areas made up of wetlands. Driving by I notice that the soil is less damp and more sandy, also there is no layer of permafrost covering the soil. There is a lot of various vegetation such as Paper Birch, Willows, trembling aspen, White Spruce, black spruce, dwarf birch, mosss, blueberries, Labrador tea, sedges, bearberry, cat tail, yellow pong lily patchwork of forest types because of Fires. Passing by the big bodies of water I see many birds resting near the water before heading north, or to their destination. I see many animals that I never knew existed like the marten, least weasel, spruce grouse, Arctic Tern, bonapere's gull and the pacific loon. These animals seem so peaceful and happy living in their clean environment. When I stop to eat and rest, I realize that the weather is way more warmer than yellowknife. I think I am going to stop blogging for the rest of the car drive, I will start when I reach my destination. I AM SO EXCITED:) !